Monday, December 1, 2014
Beasts of Fashion Gala. November 6th, 2014.
On November 6th, I made my way to the Corona Theatre for the first ever Beasts of Fashion Gala, where over $100 000 was raised for the Montreal SPCA.
It was a pleasant event, with snappily-dressed people enjoying tiny morsels and free-flowing wine. I watched from the balcony as the show started and, within ten minutes, was crying openly, as we were told the story of a dog who had been badly beaten by her owner. After being shown images of the poor dog, our tears turned to those of joy as a now healed and joyous pup strutted across the stage to hearty applause and whoops of joy.
In addition to the silent auction being held, a live auction raised over three thousand dollars for a week-end getaway and a jersey signed by the entire Canadiens team. After the auction, the fashion show kept us all on the edges of our seats and awwing loudly. Several of the models walked out with a rescued dog, melting my heart each and every time a new one came out. I, of all people, had a hard time focusing on the clothing and I now barely remember any of the pieces but, dog-lover that I am, I'm one-hundred percent okay with that.
I never usually use pictures by taken someone else but my old phone simply could not handle the lighting for this event and so I've borrowed images from They were taken by Magali Crevier. Please visit the site for more!
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