Friday, August 23, 2013
All of the Summer Pieces (I Didn't Write)
I realize that I haven't written a whole lot on summer style and, worse, that the last time I did I also confidently declared that I would publish at least one piece a week on topics ranging from summer skincare to style picks of mine to beach glamour and I let the ball drop. Well, no. I kicked the ball over the fence and pushed on.
While most people here spend several months a year griping about our winters, I can't stand our summers. For at least three weeks this year, my homegirl in Texas was experiencing cooler weather than I was. Texas. and, 75% of the time, when going outside didn't feel like stepping into a bowl of soup, it was raining. One of my best friends' status update once read: "Fantastic. I went outside and now I know what it feels like when fire farts on you."
It's tolerable when I have a car and/or I'm not working full-time because then I can and do get away as often as possible. This year, however, I spent most days waking up after a stiflingly hot night, showering, stepping out of the shower and sweating within moments, getting onto a crowded bus, then another bus, walking into a glass tower downtown, sitting in a windowless space and hiding in the air conditioning until five before getting back on two crowded buses and going home drained and feeling irritable and weak. This, folks, does not breed motivation, nor does it inspire.
Somehow, I actually sat down and designed a mini collection that I am days away from fitting onto a model so the summer was not a waste but, no, I did not feel up to the task of discussing style and fashion, when I felt gross and uncomfortable for most of the season.
That said, we are mere weeks away from boots, scarves, hats, suits, gorgeous foliage, autumns spices and being able to wear make-up without looking like The Joker within twenty minutes. This, in addition to the fact that I'm finally back to re-decorating my flat, that I have a few trips planned during the coming months and that I am finally designing again means I'll be posting more often. I do promise to be a better sport next summer, as I will have a car and will most certainly get to escape for some time.
Goddamn, I'm glad it's almost over.
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