Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Easy, tiger: An example of over-designing.
in québec, we sometimes say "trop c'est comme, pas assez" or "too much is, like, not enough" we see a lot of it here, so this tends to come up in discussion, especially when shopping.
here is another example of this phenomenon. i just stared blankly at this the first time i saw it at my favourite shoe place, in verdun. the second time i saw it, my daughter pulled it out and said something to the effect of "holeeee, mom! look at everything going on with this purse!" she's the one holding the purse in this shot.
they crammed every possible symbol of what they thought was bad-ass and/or trendy into this purse design (yes, someone actually sat down and designed this). if you don't already know about how much i love when mainstream designers make a mess of rock n roll, punk, metal or goth imagery, read this.
note the lightning bolts in the hearts, the skulls and then the insane skull, bow, owl and faux jewel bling mounted onto a "brass knuckle" handle... it hurts.
oh and i apologize for the image quality but i took it with my iphone and had to be quick! if ever you've been in this shop, you'll know they refuse to install a mirror somewhere because they've been the same for twenty years and don't want to change (i'm not making that up. that was the answer i was given when i asked) and that they actually have a hand-written sign on the wall that says "no debit, no credit, no refunds, no bargaining, NO MORE BULLSHIT" or something like that but that last line is definitely there. Some of the saleswomen are nice but I've overheard one say to a client, when asked if she could help her find the right boot to go with the left in her hand, "no. we don't do that here. it's not that kind of store." they're usually nicer to me and i've gotten some help before but you've gotta know that, with service like that, i really adore getting my spring or aldo boots at $35 or i would stay the hell away.
i wonder what they would say if i showed up with my own mirror and just propped it up against a wall...
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