Flashmode: A Fall Fashion Event in Old Montreal
For almost a year, the only capacity under which I had been covering local events was for a blog directed at models, in an effort to inform them about local events. While I appreciate the opportunity to not only immerse myself in the Montreal fashion scene but to write about it, no matter the context, I must say that I'm quite happy with my decision to start covering shows for my own blog, as well.
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Looking Out...
...Through the closest window to my desk, today. I miss being able to look outside and see something other than this granite wall.
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Thrifting, Exchanging and Sewing.
I recently came across a great little thrift shop on Monk Street, in Ville-Émard. They're unfortunately going to close in two months if they don't start making sales. They'll be one more hidden gem that just can't keep up. I offered to help them put up a more attractive window display but they can't afford the mannequins, shelves, etc. They don't have enough furniture in the place to allow for that to be used, either.
Here's a little look at what $20.00 got me:
Some time before that, I scored this coat for $15, too.
And lastly, my friends and I get together every year in January, for a post-holiday pot luck dinner. At some point in the evening, we play a gift exchange game and this is my haul from that event:
The Yves Rocher lavender shower gel is actually quite nice and I do believe I may be addicted to these Sriracha peas.
For the next little while, I'm focusing on creating as opposed to purchasing, as my new flat costs quite a bit more than my old one did and I am saving up for my birthday trip. So, you can finally expect a sewing post in the very near future.
Here's a little look at what $20.00 got me:
Some time before that, I scored this coat for $15, too.
And lastly, my friends and I get together every year in January, for a post-holiday pot luck dinner. At some point in the evening, we play a gift exchange game and this is my haul from that event:
The Yves Rocher lavender shower gel is actually quite nice and I do believe I may be addicted to these Sriracha peas.
For the next little while, I'm focusing on creating as opposed to purchasing, as my new flat costs quite a bit more than my old one did and I am saving up for my birthday trip. So, you can finally expect a sewing post in the very near future.
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Pucker Up! (Or: There Is No Excuse For Chapped Lips. None.)
A few weeks ago, as I paced around my cold, half-empty apartment, waiting the movers to return for the second load, I grew increasingly annoyed with the state of my face. My eyes were watery, thanks to the dust I'd disturbed when packing last minute items, such as floor mats, tools and whatever had been under the kitchen sink. My nose was runny and the back of my throat tingled, thanks to a super well-timed cold. What made me start and then roll my eyes, however, was the realization that my lips were burning. They were frigging chapped for the first time in many years and, as my title declares, there is no excuse for this.
In addition to the fact that I think having cracked, sore lips really sucks, I've always prided myself on having incredibly soft lips. Whether you're trying to avoid the former or achieve the latter, this is for you.
1. DO NOT LICK YOUR LIPS. If this is a habit of yours, nervous or otherwise, apply petroleum jelly to your lips until you learn to stop.
2. Exfoliate
You can use a product designed to do this, such as philosophy's kiss me exfoliating lip scrub.
You can run warm water on the bristles of a soft toothbrush and then rub the side of the head on your lips. I've also read that you can use petroleum jelly and a toothbrush but I have not tried this.
Sugar is fantastic for exfoliating. You can add a bit of olive oil to some sugar and apply it to your lips with your fingers or a wash cloth, doing so in circular motions. This also works really well on your skin and I use this method in the shower at least twice a month although I tend to add fresh lemon juice to the mix. You can also add a bit of sugar to some honey and apply in the same fashion.
4. Condition
Not everyone bothers with conditioning but, as Simon at The Bay's MAC counter in downtown Montreal will tell you, protecting your lips is a good thing but in order to keep your lips moisturized, you need to condition them I recommend MAC lip conditioner or the one Claudalie makes.
5. Protect
You need to protect your lips from the elements. There are a billion types of lip balms out there. Look for ones that contain sunblock and/or, a few times a week, put a thin coat of petroleum jelly on your lips. I actually really like the effect of red lipstick applied on top of a petroleum jelly base for really cold days or to top of a nice, sun-kissed beach look.
1st image courtesy of beautyficient.com
3rd image courtesy of beautybanter.com
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
My First Wantable Box (Or: A Make-Up Surprise Box for Grown-Ups!)
A little over a week ago, I received my first Wantable subscription in the mail and I must say I'm rather pleased! It was worth a little over $70 USD and subscriptions come out to $46.00 a month when you live in Canada (I believe it's $36.00 plus tax with free shipping in the States). Due to the move and holiday events, it was a little while before I could test these products out but, finally, here is my official December Wantable box review!
...I dislike the Color Club nail lacquer ($8.00 USD) I received. It took three coats to become completely matte and it still wasn't consistent, despite me applying it evenly. I'll keep paying $2.00 more for OPI and Sally Hansen.
I'm really loving Bésame's Classic Colour Lipstick in Cherry Red (usually about $22 USD). It's creamy and wonderful and I love the dramatic, vintage look I get when I pair it with MAC's Vino lip pencil. I've been forgoing the darker reds for a few years now, choosing to wear brighter, more classic reds, but I feel like I'm coming back home with this colour. I'm also a sucker for pretty packaging and I really like what they've done with theirs.I am defintiely a new Bésame customer.
Eveline's Professional Art Make-Up Eyeliner Pen (£5.99) goes on smoothly (minus the slight stinging sensation that thankfully ebbs as it dries) and lasts a long time. I prefer gels and will not be buying another one of these but I do like it enough to use it daily until it tuns out. I was a little surprised when, in the shower, I caught peripheral glimpses of black flakes on my skin. I realized it was the eyeliner and all was well but heads-up!
The Sormé Brow Lift brow highlighting pencil is great. It's smooth and, when blended, works its magic without being seen. This is something I would buy again.
Starlooks' lengthening mascara ($16 USD) was a definite score. This really dense brush somehow lifts, separates and lengthens without clumping. It stays on rather well but comes off easily enough, when needed. I love the matte, metal tube it comes in, too. Great weight and texture. I don'T know if I would use this on false lashes but it's perfect for daytime and casual wear.
I have yet to try the instant skin tightener and line filler by skiin. I've never been one to cross over into the realm but I'm willing to, at my age. I'll give it a shot on the week-end, when I don't have to go into work, just in case my sensitive skin reacts to it.
Here's a messy-haired shot of me on Christmas Day, wearing some of the goodies I received.